Private house in Nof-Yam

Please enable Javascript! 3d modeling, design and renderings for a private home.   Featuring a special 360 VR tour of the interior common area as well as the garden with pool.   Work Team Evgeny Nefedov Year 2018 Architect Blatman Cohen Architecture and...

Maze Residential Building

Residential Building Located in Tel Aviv Work Team Evgeny Nefedov ,Uri Kita, Alex Polak Year 2017 Architect Pitsou Kedem...

Preservation Building

Historic Building A new addition to a historical preservation building. Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv. Work Team Ola Zhertakova Year 2017 Architect Dor Shaul from Paz Gersh Architecture +...

Berlin Residential Apartments

Apartments in Berlin This project focuses on 3 different apartment designs for a residential building in Berlin.   Work Team Nadia Garces Year 2017 Architect Oren Goldshtien, Kaan...